Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's that time again!!!

I can't believe it! Another school semester is about to start! I am both excited and sad. Excited because I love the feeling of starting a new adventure and of course the feel of a new pen and cracking open a fresh new notebook! (I am such a nerd for school and office supplies). I am sad because the start of a new semester means the end of my days of leisure! I am best when there is structure, so I suppose that this is a good thing. I can't believe that I have been in school for almost 2 years! I used to dream of the day that I would start, and now I am well on my way. I am really so very grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow through experiencing higher education. I know that only 20% of high school students will go on to obtain more education, so I count myself among the lucky few! I have made one of my short-term resolutions to make my grades this semester the best grades so far! Wish me luck!


  1. Will I find you in one of my classes? I hope you are well and am glad to see you writing. ~Ms. A.

  2. Mrs. A!!! I originally enrolled in your class, but was switched at the last minute... good thing I checked blackboard! I did get Donna Graham who is fantastic! I have left my blog idle for some time.. but the creative juices are flowing once again.. so I will be a regular visitor again!
