Friday, March 13, 2009

3 hours at Chuckie Cheese

Tonight was a long one. I worked all day and then the race began... pick up all the kids from all the different places they were located and figure out what to eat. When I picked my little one up from her dad tonight she immediately began to beg to go to Chuckie Cheese. I know that it must be hard at times to put up with a momma that is always busy or broke, so I decided that maybe it wouldn't be all that over budget to go. Now as you can imagine any restaurant geared toward children on a Friday night is bound to be busy, and this was no exception!! There were little kids everywhere!! I have to say however, that CC has a great way to make a mom feel more secure. They have in place a system where the children and parents from each family are stamped with a number/letter combo that can only be seen under a black light. When you go to leave an attendant will check your stamp to see if the adults and children match up! Once when I went for a family birthday, my children weren't even able to leave with their grandparents because the numbers didn't match! What a great idea! I am not saying that I don't trust my own parents or even that I don't want my children to go anywhere with them. I am saying that I love that even an adult that a child might want to vouch for would not be able to leave the facility with said child if the codes don't match! My middle daughter Miss B even pointed out when we left Chuckie's that she had washed her hands just prior to having her code checked and it hadn't washed off. So, that is one less thing. I still watch my kids like a hawk when they play at Chuckie Cheese, or anywhere else for that matter, but with three children that vigilance can become difficult to keep up. I appreciate that there is a fun place for kids where parents can truly get a break. Food, Fun, and Safety. I don't see how it can get much better than that!! Unless they started serving cocktails and instituted Happy Hour!!! Oh well, as Meatloaf put it... "Two out of Three ain't bad!"

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