Monday, May 4, 2009

Letter To Me

I am taking this time to write a letter to me, to remind myself of those things that I feel are most important.

Dear Present Self,

As I look back on my life today I see so many things that I would have changed. I wish that I had a way to go back and change all that I did wrong. I wish that there were band-aids for life. I know that there is so much happening to you all at once right now and you don't always know what to do. I know that at times you feel alone and scared of failing those you love. I know that you are worried that you don't have what it takes. Well I am here to tell you that you do. I know that you might not believe it now, but keep working, don't give up. I can promise you that this time in your life is time well spent. Stick to your plan. Do not give up on your dream!
I know that you worry about the kids. It is true what has happened in the last few years hasn't been easy on them, but you did the best you could to protect them and provide what they needed to have a good life. It isn't always things that make a home. It is love, remember? Your parents said the same thing. You have wonderful children. You need to relax and remind yourself each day to hug and kiss them and stop what you are doing for 15 minutes and spend that time with the children. They won't always be so small you know.
Stop worrying about what people think. You ARE good enough. You ARE smart enough. You ARE worthy of this. I know that sometimes you struggle, but like your dad says, "Dirt only becomes Diamonds under heat and pressure". You are being refined at this very moment. You are becoming the best version of yourself. Give it some time to work.
You have so many people around you that care about you. I know that you feel alone and lonely at times. You may feel lonely but you are definitely not alone. Remember that you have a whole network of people who care about your success from family to friends and even teachers. Block out the noise of naysayers, and surround your self with positive influences. You have what you need to make it in this effort. I believe in you and even if you can't always hear me I am always cheering you on. I know that someday you will meet me and realize that you and I were the same all along. Until that day comes, listen to that whisper in your mind telling you that the future looks bright and you have so much going for you! Keep going! You are winning the race!

Future Self

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