Monday, May 11, 2009

I am struggling today with the weight of my own world on my shoulders. I don't mean to whine, but today it feels pretty heavy. I am trying to be a good mom, meet standards at my job, and actively learn at school. So far, it isn't going well. The sad part is this is only the beginning. It gets harder from here!! I am trying so hard to be a better time manager, but I am constantly thwarted in my attempts by one thing or another. There has to be a way to stop the madness!!!! If only my body would run 24/7 I wouldn't even have a problem! Unfortunately for me, my body breaks down on a regular basis instead of running hard and fast like I need it to. Keeping my head above water isn't as easy as I thought it would be! I have a plan though. I know that I need to cut out anything that isn't absolutely necessary, so I am starting to de-clutter my life. I really hope that it does the trick!
Staying in school is my dream and I intend to see it through! I just have to keep going and keep from giving up. I have so many supportive and encouraging people in my life. I know that I can do this, I just have to find the right formula! The saying goes 'where there is a will, there is a way'. I don't know who says it, but I believe it to be true. I just have to refine the focus of the will and find the way that works for me. Success is my only option!


  1. Head up, Autumn! You're not whining, you're venting. That's what this blog is for. If you aren't able to vent than you'd just let it build and build and then....BOOM. It'd be a mess! Mom's going to school need to encourage each other and that's what I'm doing. You can do this and when you're done, you'll realize it was all worth it.

  2. Thank you soo much! I can't tell you how much your comments help me! I appreciate so much that you take the time to read my writing and give me feedback! You are awesome! I would love to keep in touch after our need to blog for class is done! You are right support is essential to those of us with Non-traditional situations!
