Friday, July 17, 2009

Semester Overload!

I am so ready for a break! I don't even care if it is only a couple of weeks. I am so burned out! There is just too much going on in life right now and although I hate to complain, well, it is really really hard to get it all done and stay sane at the same time!!! I am trying so hard to keep my head on straight but I am pretty sure I will have to make it stop spinning first!
I just can't wait to finish finals and breathe a sigh of relief! I just have to get there. I wish I could say that I am one of those students that runs down the homestretch, but alas, I am not. I usually drag myself wheezing and coughing across the finish line. So, with this semester drawing to a close I must say that it couldn't come too soon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so with you!! Wednesday can not come soon enough. My head spun off my shoulders last week and I feel like the headless horseman chasing it down the street. I keep seeing myself on the ship as it starts down and I'm clawing my way to the top to keep from going down.
