Friday, October 9, 2009
Hot Chocolate Anyone??
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering September 11th
I first heard word of a plane hitting the north tower as I pulled into the parking lot of my job that morning. What I first thought was some kind of sick radio hoax turned out to be a world event that would forever change my life and rob me of my innocence. I stood with my colleagues glued to the break room television as we watched in shock as the world crumbled. How could this happen? I thought as I stood there, tears running down my cheeks. WE are AMERICA! WE are the most powerful nation in the world! How could something like this happen to US? In that moment I felt very small and very vulnerable. No place was safe, fear set in and I began to feel like I was waiting on Armageddon. As I watched the fires consuming the towers, I saw desperation in the faces of the rescue crews trying to conquer the monster. To my horror I saw that there were people actually jumping from 80 floors up to escape the flames! I broke down sobbing. I couldn't breathe. What must it be like I thought to be so hopeless and afraid that you would commit an act like that. Those poor souls. To this day I cannot erase the image of that moment. I refuse to give credence to any of the monsters who caused this disaster to happen. I still feel intense sadness for those lost and those who lost during this time. I also feel sad for our country to have experienced such a tragic loss of life. But as is our way we rose from the ashes, I hope that the American people never forget. I hope that always we remember what we are made of, what we can endure. Unite Americans! Remember patriotism! Remember love of country! Never forget who we are! Always be grateful for every blessing!
Friday, September 4, 2009
3 Day Weekend!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
And the Beat goes On.....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Real Grown-Up Mommy
Now that the kids are getting older and cementing more long-term friendships I am seeing a new side to my little chicks. I enjoy so much watching them plan their get-togethers with their pals. There has to be just the right outfit and the perfect snacks and activities to enjoy. Does this purse match my shoes? Can we see this movie? Ahhh.... motherhood is sweet! Even with the occasional outburst and the attitude that comes with the age, these are some good times in life my friends, good times!! I just earned my Grown-Up Mommy status... I think I'll have some ice cream!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Slow Death of Small Town Life
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Vacation? Why Yes Thank You!
I also wouldn't mind making a trip to Hawaii as well. I have only seen the ocean a couple of times so that is a sight I would love to experience! White sandy beaches with blue ocean stretching out across the horizon? Oh yes I think so!
When the little ones head to school
My other two children haven't made this any easier. My son has grown by leaps and bounds and informs me that this year he will need to be dropped off before we get to the school door, and my oldest daughter is more interested in the 'tween' clothing choices than the more girlie options that I would have picked. Training bras? Oh dear, I think maybe that is more training for Mommies that need a chance to get ready for the puberty that is coming. So many big changes this school year.
It hasn't even started and I already have a list of things to prepare for this school year! But when you are a working, schooling, crazy mom of three... well lists are your life and anything not planned a month in advance is just procrastination! To all you Moms out there.. I am so there!!! Good luck to you all! I know that I am going to need all I can get!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Semester Overload!
I just can't wait to finish finals and breathe a sigh of relief! I just have to get there. I wish I could say that I am one of those students that runs down the homestretch, but alas, I am not. I usually drag myself wheezing and coughing across the finish line. So, with this semester drawing to a close I must say that it couldn't come too soon!!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ahh... Lazy weekend?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Life sucks, but the benefits are good
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Summer Crazies!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Writers Block
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Pancakes for Dinner
Now, my kids think that breakfast for dinner is a great idea! So, when I voiced that pancakes were on the menu for tonight I got no complaints. What a relief! So, yummy pancakes with a hint of cinnamon, happy kids munching away, and a tired but happy mom because I have accomplished one thing today!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Icons Lost
I mean, who would want to right? Isn't part of what makes our will to live so strong the fact that our days are numbered? Supply and demand, our lives are worth so much more to us because we know that it won't last. So instead of living life on a hamster wheel, shouldn't we be living life to the fullest? I don't mean that we should go crazy, spend our life savings in one fell swoop, tell the whole world off, and Thelma and Louis ourselves off a cliff in a convertible. I simply mean that life is precious. This is a fact that will never ever change. With each child born into the world another integral part of life has begun to exist. We are all part of a greater plan, a plan that makes us all equally important. Although our passing may never be documented by a video montage, or broadcast across the nation, we will be missed. I have spent so many years waiting for the 'right moment' to live. Why? Do you have to take a huge vacation or spend a million dollars to be living? How about I take that extra moment to get one more hug from my kids, or take that fifteen minutes take them to the park. I can go ahead and let them have an ice cream cone, what will it really hurt? I don't intend to completely fall off track and fail to expect my children to follow the rules or have morals. I just think that maybe just maybe life is in the living and money and prestige isn't any part of that. I could just be saying that because I don't have any money and I want to feel that I have a chance at grabbing that elusive happiness that so many want. Maybe I just have big dreams. I want to make the most of what I have and to ensure that my children, family and friends know that I love them. I want to be nice because I want to even if it isn't popular. I want to be happy. I am working on that right now!! So to all of you who I love, go out and get some for yourselves! Get happy, get what you deserve. Love your families, love your friends. Go ahead, write your grandmother, call your mom, Live your life!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
One More Grey Hair
Friday, June 26, 2009
A day of thinking and rearranging....
When I get like this my anecdote is to rearrange furniture. I know.. strange, but it helps. If you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it, then you can't brain-storm a solution in the same room setting that the problem was created in.. at least that is my justification! I think alot of it is that sometimes when things happen we feel helpless and out of control and if I move some furniture around and create a new environment I feel like I am doing something. I feel like I get to decide the outcome or control something in my life. It really does help and I get to feel like I redecorated when I am done!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Math is Fun?
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Weight Loss Challenge!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Weekly Weigh-in
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Your Never Too Old to Cry for Your Cat
Caring for Patrick was like having a baby all over again. I had the late night feedings, and then I had to massage his belly to get the air out. Kept him near my bed with a heat lamp nearby to keep him warm. When I went to work he stayed in a little box under the desk in my office. It was alot of work taking care of him, but I didn't mind, I was completely in love.
Over time Patrick grew from a tiny kitten to a huge yellow and orange striped tiger of a cat. He was regal and majestic; he ruled like a farm version of the king of beasts. He would hunt and stalk and dolefully watch his subjects from his perch on the front step but he was still my baby. Patrick was a prolific hunter and he loved to hunt in the woods across the road from my parents' farm. He had been living with my parents while I was saving up to have him de-clawed so that he could live in my apartment with the kids and I. He was a very large cat and I wanted to give the kids and our very small dog a fighting chance. The daily trek across the road would be Patrick's downfall. My wonderful father found him shortly after the accident and buried him next to my other companion Patches who I had since childhood and lost to kidney disease. I was so grateful to my Dad for taking the extra time and care, for knowing what it would mean to me. My mother came all the way to Springfield to tell me and held me while I cried out my grief over the loss of my sweet pet. I know to some this would seem silly, but Patrick was no ordinary cat. Patrick was a big part of my family, and his loss is felt strongly by every one of us. So here is to pets, friends, confidantes, companions.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thinking Moments
On this particular evening Nathan and I planned to go and see the new X-Men Origins film and my brother Matthew volunteered to watch my kids. I couldn't say no to that! We had a great time and after it was all said and done I drove the boys to my parents home roughly an hour away.
Since it was a Friday night my parents were both up even though it was getting a bit late, and my dad shared some unwelcome news with me. My sister had been run over by a car and was in the hospital recuperating from 3 fractured ribs and a punctured lung. I was shocked, and then I started to cry. I work in health care so I know just how close a call it was. I was so relieved that her injuries weren't worse, or even fatal. In the moments after I heard the news my mind was running a mile a minute. I realized that I hadn't talked to my sister in a year and hadn't seen her in two. I hadn't written or even sent a Christmas card. It wasn't that I hadn't mean to do those things, they just didn't ever happen. I love my sister, but we haven't always been close. In fact, when we were girls we fought quite a bit. We were very different and usually didn't see eye to eye. I haven't always agreed with her, but Carrie is my only sister and the realization that I could have lost her forever was frightening and overwhelming for me. In that moment I made a resolution to be more diligent in keeping up contact with family members that I don't see on a regular basis. I don't want to regret what I should have done. I am not perfect, but I know I need to at least improve if not perfect my communication with family. I am so grateful that Carrie is on the mend, and I am so thankful that she was spared. I am also thankful for a well needed wake-up call so that I can change my ways before it is too late!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Faith and Other Things
Friday, May 15, 2009
So It is Time to Begin!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bedtime Issues
Now, I may possibly be the only mother out there with bedtime angst, but I am guessing that I am not. I would gladly welcome any suggestions short of drugging them with something, to get these girls in bed at a decent hour!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Staying in school is my dream and I intend to see it through! I just have to keep going and keep from giving up. I have so many supportive and encouraging people in my life. I know that I can do this, I just have to find the right formula! The saying goes 'where there is a will, there is a way'. I don't know who says it, but I believe it to be true. I just have to refine the focus of the will and find the way that works for me. Success is my only option!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's About Time
What is Love worth?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Letter To Me
Dear Present Self,
As I look back on my life today I see so many things that I would have changed. I wish that I had a way to go back and change all that I did wrong. I wish that there were band-aids for life. I know that there is so much happening to you all at once right now and you don't always know what to do. I know that at times you feel alone and scared of failing those you love. I know that you are worried that you don't have what it takes. Well I am here to tell you that you do. I know that you might not believe it now, but keep working, don't give up. I can promise you that this time in your life is time well spent. Stick to your plan. Do not give up on your dream!
I know that you worry about the kids. It is true what has happened in the last few years hasn't been easy on them, but you did the best you could to protect them and provide what they needed to have a good life. It isn't always things that make a home. It is love, remember? Your parents said the same thing. You have wonderful children. You need to relax and remind yourself each day to hug and kiss them and stop what you are doing for 15 minutes and spend that time with the children. They won't always be so small you know.
Stop worrying about what people think. You ARE good enough. You ARE smart enough. You ARE worthy of this. I know that sometimes you struggle, but like your dad says, "Dirt only becomes Diamonds under heat and pressure". You are being refined at this very moment. You are becoming the best version of yourself. Give it some time to work.
You have so many people around you that care about you. I know that you feel alone and lonely at times. You may feel lonely but you are definitely not alone. Remember that you have a whole network of people who care about your success from family to friends and even teachers. Block out the noise of naysayers, and surround your self with positive influences. You have what you need to make it in this effort. I believe in you and even if you can't always hear me I am always cheering you on. I know that someday you will meet me and realize that you and I were the same all along. Until that day comes, listen to that whisper in your mind telling you that the future looks bright and you have so much going for you! Keep going! You are winning the race!
Future Self
Weekend Work
In a perfect world I would only have to worry about school and studying right now. I wouldn't have to figure out ways to work as many hours as possible, go to school, pay the bills, spend time with my kids, keep up on their homework, have some time for myself, and of course sleep. Instead, I live in an imperfect world, where as a mother I still have a dream of going to school, of making enough money to be able to give my children a good life. I have three children who want time with their mother and do not fully understand that Mommy has so much to do. I can't live in a box so I have to work, and although my managers support my endeavor to obtain an education, they still require my presence and my full 110% at work.
Other Moms do this, I have seen it. What is the secret? I must know... it is so important that I discover just the right recipe for success. Wish me luck... now.. off to take a tiny nap.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Old Friends
Parenthood... and other mysteries
I have some changes I need to make with how I run my ship.. I have to figure out how to be more organized and how to better mange my time. I have a better idea of what life is like while in school, so what I need to do now is to re-invent my plan. I have been trying to do things the way I always have, but with our new way of life it isn't working. I always seem to be running behind!! So I have been writing ideas down, trying new things out, and taking advice from all the moms I admire. Hopefully life will be more streamline in the future and that will allow for a better relationship with my kids!!! I miss getting to have fun with them! I love being a mom, I just have to get all the kinks worked out!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I have to give a shout out to all of the other students that are trying to better their lives while still trying to fully support themselves and possibly a family as well. It isn't easy and I think that we should start some type of support group or club or something to give people someone to talk to or relate to during all this. I mean wouldn't you want someone who could understand what you are going through? I know I would! My family does a great job, but I hate to vent to them. My parents do so much to help me but I don't want them to worry just because I need to talk about something that is stressing me. A support group would be just the thing!
I am sure that someday I will look back on all this and think it wasn't so bad, but right now I am cranky and tired so it is! Oh well, it is all for a good cause.. my family's future that is!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Writers Block
My mother had 6 children and successfully managed to raise us without going insane. I have 3 kids but still can't seem to get it together! I know that I work and go to school, but my mother - self feels like she should be able to pull it all off without a hitch. I know it sounds like I am whining.. who knows, maybe I am. I am not trying to, I just need to vent. I need to empty out the stress and worries so that something productive can find room to put down roots in my frazzled brain.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Free-Write / What are you Passionate about?
I am in school studying to be an Occupational Therapy Assistant. I want to do more than just assist; I want to treat the patients myself. I want to be involved more deeply in the care and treatment of the wonderful people I work with everyday.
I wonder if you might say that I am also passionate about the people themselves? I love my patients! I find something about each one that I can relate with or understand about them. That process of connection with patients has really allowed me to serve their needs more effectively. The career I am entering is very geared toward serving others. I love the opportunity to make a difference in someone elses life for the better.
I especially enjoy the geriatric population. The elderly age group has so much to share with those of my generation. I experience so many learning moments while working with them. I enjoy the words of wisdom, the patience, and the strength that my older patients show. Even though therapy can at times be painful, the patients are so brave. I am so proud to be involved in therapy and I am so thankful for the chance to help others! I am truly passionate about the work that I am allowed to do! I am thankful for the chance to find something that I can be passionate about. Once you truly find your passion, you have found yourself!
A Very Private Public Thank - You
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Things You Might Think About on a Tuesday
The bar Bess sets is high. I look at myself and I can't help but ask, "Do I do each task I am given in a cheerful manner?", "Do I treat each person I meet kindly?", and "What kind of example do I set for others?'. I think it has really made me take a good look at myself. I know that it is hard sometimes to juggle what I do, but there is always someone who has more to bear. Who am I that the world should revolve around me. I am finding so much more fulfillment and happiness when it doesn't. I once read a quote by Mother Teresa, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier". I really think that Bess has mastered this task. I do not believe that anyone could spend time in her presence without leaving a little richer.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Free Writing - Significant Event
My first step was how to turn this dream into an actual reality. That took a bit more doing than I had expected. I had daydreamed on many occasions what my college experience would be like. What it actually was, now that was a different story. Having very little experience in a college setting before, I had no idea how to truly visualize what was in store for me!
I sat nervously and fidgety in the open loft-like room. Second floor, to the left, check in at the desk, the directions had been. I was thrilled that I had made it this far! The long walk from the parking lot was hard enough, and then there was what seemed like a slow death march up the stairs to the front doors of the Information Commons. I cleared my dry throat and tried to sound like I knew what I was doing when I asked the receptionist where I would begin my journey. Second floor, to the left, check in at the desk. Well, here I was. I had signed my name like so many others on a long list of those waiting, generic blue ink pen in shaking hand I scrawled my name across the blank space indicated. Why was it so hard to remember what my name was anyway? Why was I so nervous? Had the room lacked oxygen this much when I first entered? Did the fluorescent lights above me glare so hot and bright then? I squirmed around in the hard waiting room style chair that I had deposited myself into. I waited in the still air to hear my name called, to know that it was my turn. I heard the nervous rustlings of the others, the papers crinkling, throats clearing, impatient fidgeting just like me. I heard the clerks chatting cheerily in their cubicles, awaiting some silent signal, I imagined, that would alert them to our performance time. A test of our skills, that is what was required of us. A test to place me in my slot I had heard. I didn't know where I fit at this point. Was the room always this stuffy? The wait was becoming unbearable, I needed to think of something else. I began to count the tiles in the ceiling above me. 1, 2, 3, 46, and then I heard it, My name. My name! My turn had finally come!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Viva Las Vegas!
Lost too Long
Monday, April 6, 2009
Nasty Weather
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Late Night Essay
I am feeling pretty burnt out this semester. I think it is just because there is way too much going on in my life that I wasn't prepared for. I factored in school, work, and the kids school. I didn't plan for so much illness, and ex trouble, and that I would have to work so much to make ends meet. All that has added up to make it way harder to learn than I had expected. I really really want to graduate from college, I am determined to stay, but I have a family to take care of and be responsible for. I have to get this right, I have to figure out a way to make it all flow smoothly! I just get so frustrated sometimes! I hate to be a whiner, but I want my chance too! I know that I am a mother and I need to work and to provide a home and food, but I don't want to work for $9.00 an hour forever, I want to have some savings set aside for the proverbial rainy day, I want more than to live from one paycheck to another and having those paychecks not even be enough. There are so many others out there like me, and I am not saying that they are doing anything wrong, but I have only myself and my children to think about in that sense and I have to make my own changes if I ever expect the world situation to improve. So, keep your fingers crossed for me, that my homework gets done, that I receive a decent grade, that my kids don't go hungry and that I can pay my bills and sleep in my bed one more month because I was able to make rent. I know that I have this to do... just keep finding the strength to pull it off that is the key.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Family.. it's a good thing!
I am the oldest of 6 children, two girls four boys. I have spent pretty much my whole life sharing a bedroom with someone. Depending on the weather and the night sounds, sometimes I even shared my bed with whatever little boy had a nightmare and was too scared to sleep alone. Being a big sister wasn't always cake though. I had kids in my room constantly, in my make up and messing up my private stuff. I got the opportunity to babysit alot whether I liked it or not, and my mom was always needed help with the littlest ones. The upside was that I was never alone so there was always someone to hang out with. Games were more fun because we always had enough people to play, and holidays were a blast with so many laughing, happy people to celebrate with! As we have grown older and busier it has become harder and harder to keep the family close. I don't see my family nearly as much as I would like to. My sister lives in Florida and I haven't been able to see her for 2 years. The oldest of my brothers is married and is busy with his family, and my 3 youngest brothers are working and studying and busy doing young, single "guy stuff". We usually get together for holidays and everyone's birthday and things like that. But sometimes, like families do.. you pull together for even the littlest things and prove what family is all about.
I took a trip recently and experienced some travelers angst on the trip home. What was supposed to be a whirlwind weekend trip to Vegas became a flying fiascoe! We were on a company trip and were enjoying the sights and nightlife of Las Vegas, we had to leave out early in the day on Sunday to make our flight. I wish that we had known what would happen that evening, I would have just spent one more day in Sin City! We made it all the way to St. Louis.. a mere 3 hrs and change from home. Our flight got pushed back and then cancelled.. we had to stay overnight and catch a flight out the next day because the company didnt want us to rent a car and drive while tired. We were on company time, so we booked a room at the Marriott and tried to get some sleep. the next day we flew from St. Louis to Dallas, so that we could fly from Dallas to Springfield. I know.. seems nutty. So, when we FINALLY got home I expected to find a dirty house, piles of dishes, and stir crazy kids. But like I said, family is awesome! My brothers had been watching the kids while we were gone, and they did laundry, washed dishes and cooked for the kids all weekend. I came home from my trip to a clean house and my brother Micah even brought dinner so we wouldn't have to cook!!!! Fantastic!!! Can't get better than that!! I have the best family ever!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Glad for Sunshine!
Monday, March 16, 2009
St. Patrick's Day
The person who was to become St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was born in Wales about AD 385. His given name was Maewyn, and he almost didn't get the job of bishop of Ireland because he lacked the required scholarship.
Far from being a saint, until he was 16, he considered himself a pagan
He escaped from slavery after six years and went to Gaul where he studied in the monastery under St. Germain, bishop of Auxerre for a period of twelve years. During his training he became aware that his calling was to convert the pagans to Christianity.
His wishes were to return to Ireland, to convert the native pagans to Christianity. But his superiors instead appointed St. Palladius. But two years later, Palladius transferred to Scotland. Patrick, having adopted that Christian name earlier, was then appointed as second bishop to Ireland.
Patrick was quite successful at winning converts. And this fact upset the Celtic Druids. Patrick was arrested several times, but escaped each time. He traveled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. He also set up schools and churches which would aid him in his conversion of the Irish country to Christianity.
His mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. After that time, Patrick retired to County Down. He died on March 17 in AD 461. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since.
Much Irish folklore surrounds St. Patrick's Day. Not much of it is actually substantiated.
Some of this lore includes the belief that Patrick raised people from the dead. He also is said to have given a sermon
One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock. And this stems from a more bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.
The St. Patrick's Day custom came to America in 1737. That was the first year St. Patrick's Day was publicly celebrated in this country, in Boston.
Today, people celebrate the day with parades, wearing of the green, and drinking beer. One reason St. Patrick's Day might have become so popular is that it takes place just a few days before the first day of spring. One might say it has become the first green of spring.I am not a beer drinker, never having developed a taste for it. I guess I failed my genes in that area. My mother's side also boasts German as well as Irish, so go figure.. you would think I would be a big fan of the brew. I have heard stories my whole life of the Homeland. I am actually descended from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. With relatives from all three being intermarried with the different peoples. I carry a deep family pride for all my heritage. My Great-Grandpa always said that family is a person's most precious possession. That clan comes before anything in the world. I bear the physical traits of my race. My fair skin, freckles and red hair mark me, but I don't mind. I proudly smile through the jokes about my red hair and whether I have a bad temper or a taste for wild things, I laugh at all the Irish jokes and I make my own quips about kissing the blarney stone as a child and my gift of gab. I am proud of who I am. I am grateful to my great great grandparents who made the journey to this strange new land. I am proud of how they tamed the land, fending off Indians and whites alike to stake a claim for the generations that would follow. I have heard the stories of brave men and women who settled in America from my Great-Grandfather, my Grandmother and my Father. I hope to emulate my amazing ancestors and to bring honor to our family name. I take my heritage very seriously, but being who I am and coming from the apple cheeked jolly race of storytellers and horse-traders known for their wit, I must laugh and enjoy a day devoted to fun and celebration! So to all those who are Irish, and all those to wish they were, Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
3 hours at Chuckie Cheese
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
At times I become so frustrated! Fellow students out there I am sure that you can relate! If I don't do well on an assignment or if I feel that my work won't measure up to my fellow students' then I feel a bit down, but I keep on plugging along. I didn't start this to drop out. As they say I am In it to Win it! I won't quit and I cheer for any other students trying to make this happen. We can do it! We are part of the 20% of the group that actually makes it to an institution of higher learning. So I will hold my head up and throw my shoulders back and do what I must do to get what I want! Good luck to the rest of you as well!!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Quick and Healthy Dinners
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Motherhood Lessons
The evening started the same, but somewhere in the middle something changed. I was dealing with putting the kids to bed, which is usually like pulling teeth without Novocaine, when I had an AH moment. I kissed each child and hugged them too, fielded questions on whether they could watch TV for "just a little bit" before bed and asked if they had brushed their teeth. I got to Aidan's bed and hugged her and kissed her, when I went to pull away she held me close and said "Mommy, I miss you". I stopped.. dead in my tracks. I realized that there was so much in those four little words. A little 5 year old girl lost in the shuffle. Always trying to stay out of the way, but fighting not to be forgotten. I felt ashamed of how I always ask her in my exasperated tone to "PLEASE play in your room" or "Aidan can you play magic fairy princess somewhere else?" or the one that cut the most, "Mommy, I made this beautiful picture just for YOU! Do you like it?" to which I gave a distracted "uh-huh" while trying to read for a test. I realized in that moment that my little crazy bundle of energy wasn't a nuisance, she was a wonderful addition to my family, maybe I didn't want her to hurry up and grow out of this stage maybe she was perfect where she was.
Instead of prying her little arms off my neck and begging her to please go to sleep so that I could actually get something done, I asked her if she thought that her stuffed animal friends would mind one more in the bed. It warmed my heart the way she silently asked them and then told me it was "cool with them". I crawled into the tiny space she made just for me. We covered up in her pink blankets and snuggled close. She stroked my face and said, "Mommy, I love you, You are my very best friend!" There it was, the perfect phrase to unlock tear ducts. I whispered in a voice thick with tears, "Aidan you are my best friend too", and I meant it. "Thank you God" I thought as I held her close and listened to her breathe. "Thank you for this child, thank you for letting me be her mother". I felt her small body in my arms and tried to memorize how it felt for times when she wouldn't feel the same. In that moment, homework and my job and bills and anything else seemed so insignificant. I prayed that God would help me remember that she was not to be put in the background of my life. It hit me like bricks that someday she would be grown and I would wish for more memories of times like this and so I must change before it was too late. I was so thankful for that precious moment with my baby, my little girl. Her breathing was slow so I knew she had fallen asleep, peacefully, no fight needed. I was in no hurry to let her go, so I lay there with tears rolling down my cheeks into her soft golden hair. I listened to the chorus of my three beautiful children breathing in their sleep, and again thanked God for motherhood lessons. I could study later, blessings come first.